
Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen 1.10.0 Download Free

Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen is a powerful plugin for After Effects that creates 3D depth maps from 2D images. With Aescripts Depth Scanner Download free, you can take ordinary images and footage and add incredible depth and dimension using artificial intelligence.

How Does Depth Scanner Work?

Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen utilizes artificial intelligence and neural networks to estimate depth and create realistic 3D depth maps from 2D source images.

It has been trained on millions of images to understand principles of perspective, lighting, shadows, textures, and more in order to determine which parts of an image are closer or further from the camera.

The technology powering Depth Scanner Free download is similar to how self-driving cars determine distance or how portrait mode works on iPhone cameras. It uses the subtle visual cues in images that our brain inherently understands to define depth and shape.

Once Depth Scanner analyzes a source image, it generates a depth map which can then be used to introduce depth effects like fog, depth-aware blurs, selective color grading based on depth, and to composite 3D scenes.

Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen

Key Features and Tools in Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen

Here are the main features and tools that make Full version crack Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen such a versatile addition to any After Effects workflow:

Depth Estimation Tool

This is the core feature that estimates a depth map from your source footage or image. You can control parameters like edge smoothness, texture details, and depth estimation radius.

Depth Merging

Merge different depth maps together to combine depth estimations. This is useful for generating depth across multiple objects.

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Depth Refinement

Manually refine and tweak the generated depth map using graph-based refinement tools. Fix artifacts, adjust edge bleeds, and define depth more accurately.

Z-Depth Exporter

Export your depth map as a 32-bit z-depth pass for advanced compositing. Z-depth maps integrate directly with 3D renderers.

Fog Effect

Add realistic atmospheric fog to your footage based on depth. More distant objects get consumed by denser fog for an authentic 3D look.

Blur Effect

Introduce depth-aware blurs to your footage by using the depth map. Closer objects stay sharp while farther ones get gradually blurred.

Selective Grading

Color grade your footage selectively based on depth. Boost vibrance in the foreground while desaturating the background to mimic depth perception.

How to Use Depth Scanner in After Effects

Using Depth Scanner is straightforward within the After Effects workflow:

  1. Import your source image or footage into After Effects that you want to generate depth for. This is called the depth source layer in Depth Scanner.

  2. Create a depth estimation by applying the Depth Scanner effect to the source layer. Adjust settings like estimation radius and edge smoothness.

  3. Refine the depth map with the Depth Refinement graph, smoothing out artifacts and defining edges. The depth map is green with lighter shades being closer.

  4. Export the depth as a z-depth pass for advanced 3D compositing by toggling the Z-Depth option.

  5. Add depth effects like fog, blur, or selective color grading by enabling the effect and tweaking based on depth.

  6. Composite 3D scenes by separating foreground and background using the depth map as a matte.

Infographic showing Depth Scanner workflow

With a little practice, you’ll be able to quickly generate realistic depth maps for all kinds of footage elements and integrate them into professional 3D composites.

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Creating a 3D Scene with Depth Maps in After Effects

One of the top uses of Depth Scanner is to create 3D scenes and environments by compositing separate depth-enabled elements together.

Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Generate a depth map for your background footage such as a landscape or cityscape.

  2. Generate another depth map for a foreground element you want to integrate like a person, car, animal etc.

  3. Use the depth to separate and isolate the foreground element.

  4. Composite the isolated foreground over your background footage.

  5. Add realistic camera movement like pans and tilts to enhance the 3D effect.

  6. Use the depth data to introduce atmospheric effects like fog which react naturally to the 3D space.

  7. Refine each element, ensuring the lighting, perspective, shadows, and textures match as if shot together.

The end result is a composited 3D scene from 2D images by leveraging the depth maps. Depth Scanner makes this process fast and achievable without needing 3D modeling or rendering software.

Tips for Best Results with Depth Scanner

Follow these tips when working with Depth Scanner to achieve the highest quality depth maps:

  • Use high resolution source images with good lighting, contrast, and details. Avoid overly dark or blurry footage.

  • Adjust estimation radius so depth is generated appropriately for small vs large objects.

  • Refine depth around complex shapes and edges manually where needed.

  • For completely flat surfaces like blank walls, generate depth maps manually.

  • Output in a 32-bit z-depth format for cinema-quality composites.

  • Work in linear color profiles rather than Log or Raw formats.

  • Match up the lighting, perspective, texture, and details of layered elements.

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Alternatives to Aescripts Depth Scanner

While Aescripts Depth Scanner Full version crack makes depth map generation easy, here are some alternative workflows for creating depth data without it:

Manual Techniques in Photoshop

You can manually create depth in Photoshop using blending modes, painting in a depth channel, applying blur filters, and masking out foreground elements. This takes much more time and effort but can work for still images.

Stock Depth Maps

Some stock image and video sites like Adobe Stock include footage with baked-in depth maps you can purchase and use. This limits what you can do creatively but saves the effort of generating your own depths.

3D Rendered Scenes

Creating your scenes in true 3D with Cinema 4D, Blender or other 3D software will inherently give you depth data to work with natively. However, this requires strong 3D skills.

Other Plugins

There are various depth map plugins like Depthkit, Limber, and Silhouette FX that offer similar depth generation tools as alternatives to Depth Scanner, each with their own strengths and limitations.

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Why Depth Scanner is Worth the Investment

While Depth Scanner costs more than these alternative options, there are some compelling reasons why it’s become an essential tool for professional 3D composite artists:

  • Major time savings – Depth Scanner rapidly generates depth maps with the click of a button versus hours of manual labor. This allows you to iterate faster and produce more content.

  • Superior depth quality – Leveraging the power of AI, Depth Scanner makes very convincing depth maps tailored to image contents, not generic simulations.

  • Easy integration – Depth Scanner fits perfectly into existing After Effects workflows. Depth maps, effects, and exporting are all handled intuitively within the plugin.

  • Cutting edge tech – Depth Scanner receives ongoing updates and new features that push the boundaries of depth generation and conversion of 2D to 3D.

  • Real-world results – Depth Scanner is used by major studios like Disney, Netflix, and the BBC to produce feature film level visual effects.

For most artists, the time and creative benefits of Depth Scanner easily justify the cost and has quickly become a must-have plugin.

Pros and Cons of Depth Scanner

Pros Cons
Generates high quality depth automatically Requires powerful computer for 4K footage
Intuitive workflow inside After Effects Can have artifacts in very complex imagery
Speeds up depth creation from hours to minutes No support for animations or video (images only)
Realistic atmospheric effects based on depth Doesn’t work as well on flat surfaces
Z-depth exporter integrates with 3D apps Expensive compared to manual techniques
Used on Hollywood blockbuster films Short learning curve to master depth settings
Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen


Aescripts Depth Scanner Keygen brings professional-level depth map generation and 3D conversion capabilities into After Effects using the power of AI. For artists working with complex 3D composites, matte painting, set extensions, and more, Depth Scanner is an invaluable tool for taking ordinary images and footage to extraordinary new levels of depth and realism.

While there are cheaper manual alternatives, the time savings, quality, and creative possibilities opened up by Depth Scanner make it a smart investment for any professional motion graphics artist.

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